Singing Voice Database
Authors: Liliya Tsirulnik,
Visiting researcher at University of California in San Diego, Computer Audition Lab
Director at Center for Research In Entertainment and Learning, University of California in San Diego
For research of singing voice expressions
and developing of a Singing Voice Synthesis System
Musical Scale Recordings
This part of SVDB contains the following recordings groups:
- The scale (musical notes) performed using “ah” vowel (“ah-ah-ah” recordings)
- The scale (musical notes) performed using “la” syllable (“la-la-la” recordings)
- The transitions between notes performed using “ah” vowel
- The transitions between notes performed using “la” syllable
- The scale performed with both “ah” and “la” with singing expressions, listed in the Table.
Every recording performed with the following musical notes range:
• Female voice (Bonnie Lander): from A3 to A5.
• Male voice (Philip Larson): from A2 to E4.
Vocal and glottal recordings are provided.
For every waveform file the voiced and unvoiced segments are marked in separate annotation file, which has the same name as the waveform file and extension “lab”.

Directory and files structure
Files of the first part are contained in “Scale recordings” directory.
The recordings are in WAVE PCM format with the following characteristics: 44100 Hz; 16 bit; 1 channel (mono). There is an annotation file (.lab) associated with each wav-file. The .lab-files have the same format, as the TIMIT database files, namely:
START_POINT :== The starting point of the segment, *108 ms
END_POINT :== The end point of the segment, *108 ms
SEGMENT_NAME :== The name of the specified segment, v for voiced segment and u for unvoiced segment.
.wav and .lab files for each recordings have the same name.
The content of the files is described in the Table 2 below