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Singing Voice Database
Authors: Liliya Tsirulnik,
Visiting researcher at University of California in San Diego, Computer Audition Lab
Director at Center for Research In Entertainment and Learning, University of California in San Diego
For research of singing voice expressions
and developing of a Singing Voice Synthesis System
The Singing Voice Database (SVDB) consists of plain recordings and recordings of special singing expressions, which let to use SVDB for research of physical characteristics of different singing expressions.
The SVDB includes the singing musical scale recordings, which make it possible to use it for Singing Voice Synthesis System.

Cite this project as:
Tsirulnik L., Dubnov S. (2019) Singing Voice Database. In: Salah A., Karpov A., Potapova R. (eds) Speech and Computer. SPECOM 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11658. Springer

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